Remembrance & Tribute Gifts

These gifts thoughtfully express your love and respect for someone special and are a wonderful way to say thank you for the care a loved one has received at The Seasons. When a loved one or friend dies, you may want to make a contribution in their memory.
Remembrance gifts also offer bereaved families the opportunity to invite others to make a contribution, the following wording is suggested for inclusion in obituary notices:
“In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to The Seasons East Greenwich, 5 Saint Elizabeth Way, East Greenwich, RI 02818.”
You may want to pay tribute to someone special by making a contribution in their honor. These gifts are a popular way to recognize staff members for the special care they’ve given to a loved one. Use a gift to commemorate a special occasion, such as a birthday or anniversary. Whichever way you decide to make your gift and whatever the size of the gift, it will certainly touch those remembered.
*Note: Unless otherwise requested by the donor, all remembrance and tribute gifts are placed in The Seasons Fund and are used for current operating needs.
Planned Giving: The Seasons Legacy Society
The Seasons Legacy Society offers an opportunity for individuals and families to show their support for our mission, or to express personal gratitude for in the quality of life they or a loved one has enjoyed at The Seasons.
Members of The Legacy Society have named The Seasons in their estate planned through a planned gift. These gifts include bequests, charitable trusts, annuities or life insurance. Such gifts of any size can be earmarked for a specific purpose or for The Seasons Fund or Legacy Society.
By investing in The Seasons with a planned gift, you can receive benefits today and know that you are providing a critical source of support that will have a great impact on the future success of our mission for years to come.
Other members of The Legacy Society have made an outright gift of $1,000 or more to our general fund or to establish a permanent endowed fund. Restricted endowments can be established for a specific program or area by donors who wish to establish a fund in perpetuity. Interest from these funds is used for the purposes specified and the principal remains untouched. We welcome the establishment of new funds that reflect the special interests of donors and the needs of The Seasons.
All members will be recognized on The Legacy plaques located on the first floor of the facility.
If you are interested in including The Seasons in your will, our Fund Development Office has specific sample language you can provide your attorney for this purpose. We welcome the opportunity to discuss your interest in establishing a fund or to answer any questions you may have. Contact our Development Office @ (401) 884-9099.

Endowment Gifts and Gifts to Special Funds
A contribution to the endowment is a permanent investment in the future of The Seasons. With the security of a strong financial base, we will be in the best possible position to respond to the needs of Rhode Island’s growing elderly population. Gifts may be made to The Seasons endowment in many ways:
Friends may name The Seasons as a beneficiary through a provision in their wills. All or some portion of an estate may be given, according to the wishes of the donor. The bequest may also be worded so that The Seasons receives a gift after other provisions of the will have been satisfied. Estate planning experts suggest that wills should be reviewed every three years, or whenever major events occur in your life such as births, deaths, significant changes in wealth, etc. If you do not have a will, your estate will be distributed in accordance with the laws of the state in which you reside. With a will, those decisions are yours.
Life Insurance
You may change or name the beneficiary on an existing policy to The Seasons.
Retirement Plans
Charitable gift opportunities exist through IRA, 401K and other retirement vehicles. The tax advantages can be comparable to those available from a bequest.
Appreciated Securities
By donating stock directly to The Seasons, you benefit from a tax deduction for the current value and avoid capital gains taxes.
Gifts to Special Funds
Music and Memory Fund
Help us to expand the Music and Memory program for those residents who will benefit from this alternative, person-centered therapy. This program utilizes an IPod Shuffle to deliver personalized music playlists to each resident involved. Music and Memory is shown to reduce anxiety, stimulate appetite, and minimize the need for pharmaceutical interventions. Monetary donations to purchase equipment and ITunes gift cards would be greatly appreciated.
Activities Fund
Gifts to the Activities Fund provide additional resources to enhance the lives of our residents through meaningful engagement and therapeutic recreation.
Restricted Endowment Funds
Restricted endowments can be established for a specific program or area by donors who wish to establish a fund in perpetuity. Interest from these funds is used for the purposes specified and the principal remains untouched. We welcome additional contributions to any existing funds, as well as the establishment of new funds that reflect the special interests of donors and the needs of The Seasons.
You may make your gift by personal or bank check made out to The Seasons. PLease note donation on the memo line.
Simply mail your gift to the Development Office at The Seasons. Five Saint Elizabeth Way, East Greenwich, RI 02818